Sunday, July 30, 2006

Float like a butterfly, hard week, T-minus 28 days

I know, I know, I usually update more frequent than this, but I did say that this was going to be tough week and unfortuneately something had to give, so let's get caught up.

I mentioned in Wednesday's post that this was going to be a bike focused week. After playing chicken with the weatherman (and winning!), I was successful in logging some good saddle time. Here's the workout break down for that last few days:
Wed: bike 88k (hills) run 4.5k (brick workout)
Thurs: bike 102k ( mostly flat), run 4.5k (brick)
Fri: bike 70k, run 11k (trails)
Sat: bike 186k
Sun: run 29k

Some good work done in the last few days. Friday's workouts kinda sucked, here's why: During Thursday's ride I was cruising home at a pretty good clip, when all a of sudden it felt like something just punched me in the stomach. I'm like 'what the hell??' I pull over, lift up my shirt and sure enough I have to pull a bee stinger out. Damn thing flew down my shirt and got me good. By Thursday night, the whole left side of my abdomen was swollen, red and itchy as hell. It kinda looked like that scene from Alien. Needless to say I slept like absolute crap on Thursday, which made Friday's workouts a bit of an ordeal. Right now I'm taking quadruple doses of Reactine just to keep the itching at bay and I think my little 'alien friend' is starting to subside.

A good ride on Saturday, pretty much the same ride as last week minus 10k. I met a guy in the last 10k of my ride who is doing Ironman Canada and we are leaving on the same flight out. How cool is that?

Today's long run was suprisingly good. The legs were a little cranky but they got the job done and I felt OK. I just told myself 'hey, this is the last 2.5 hr run you will have to do for awhile, let's just get it done.'

T-minus 28 days. Wow. I have a couple of hard workouts planned this week, then taper officially begins next Saturday. I'm excited.


Cliff said...

Now that's a great week.

Weather has been on and off.

During Peterborough on the bike, i notice something was itchying in my chest. I look down and realize it was a bee flew in my jersey. Doing the sensible thing, I crushed it and keep on riding :)

Reddog said...

I think Cliff is saying he is tougher than you ;)

I got stung at work last Friday and it hurt like hell for 20 min or so but the bee got his, he died!


Anonymous said...

What a great site
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