Monday, April 21, 2008

A week of firsts

AND a week of seconds.

Being as we are enjoying some rather bad-ass weather for mid April, actually dare I say perfect weather? I dare! 25C and sunny with no rain in the forecast is pretty much perfect in my books. It was under this guise that I finally took the bike off the trainer and went for the season's first and second outdoor rides.

You are saying 'what? why haven't you been out earlier? - what a wuss!' Guilty as charged. But hear out my excuse! I play a bit of mental game with the trainer (110hrs logged this season and counting..), the longer I wait until riding outdoors the bigger the perceived reward. I frequently play the game "if I do X, then I'll get Y", where 'X' is the task and 'Y' is the reward. The reward might be anything, but typically involves food. (it really doesn't take alot to keep me happy)

But I digress.. the weather was perfect and the first outdoor ride went well. The second outdoor ride went better as I hooked up with Aaron and Stu and hammered the hills. QOTD was from Stu "I knew I was in trouble with you when I agreed to this ride, then I saw Aaron's quads and knew I was in deep." The guy is quadzilla. I think he's doing shh! secrit! training. Both Stu and Aaron did awesome, no matter what I dished out, they ate it up. Going to really enjoy riding with them this year. (just wait until they find out about my next ride... muahahaha)
Later that day...
I thought it would be a good idea to get 1 hr trail run in. The legs had other ideas. Mo Lasses and Leth Argy bitched and complained the whole way. Sucked it up and got her done, so no complaints.
The weekly total:
Swim: 7.4k
Spin : 3 hrs (trainer)
Bike: 190k
Run: 50.5k

I'm still pretty much in the hillacious phase of training. This week will mark the last of the intense hill training, I'll soon be working a bit more on speed work and a bit less on hill repeats.


AddictedToEndorphins said...

Yay for nice weather~!
Im a wuss too. I hate the cold. Glad summers here:)!
Ready for Mississauga?>

Crackhead said...

Can you sometimes list your training amounts in non-Canadian measurements for the metric-impaired??? I'll include metric in mine then, too.