Monday, April 16, 2007

The funk is out! The funk is out! Monday weigh in.

I think the last of this @#%%%^! bug is over with. Three weeks to the day.. zoinks. After my 1.5 hr 'nap' on Fri, I crashed early and got 9.5 hrs of sleep. This put me in good shape for Saturday and I ground out 3:20 on the computrainer. I had 3 hrs on tap, but since I'm in Colorado, I have some good climbs to contend with and I never stop halfway up a climb, so the total time for Saturday spin session was 3:20. I asked myself, 'is the funk out?' I say to myself, 'I think so.'
So I crash on Saturday night and get 10 hours of zzz's. Yea baby! Next on tap, a 2 hour run. This will be the real test, as long runs always leave me feeling a little beat up. The good news is I got er done and it actually felt ok! Woo hoo... the funk is OUT! I'm so frikin happy to be healthy again. :))

So, here's the numbers for last week:
swim: 7k
bike: 4hrs 30min
run: 52k

Training wise, it's been a brutal last 4 weeks. Easy week, followed by a week of crappy-sickness, followed by 2 weeks of slowly-getting-progressively-better-sickness. Not exactly going according to plan, but now that that is all behind me, what now? The one thing I must resist to do is try to 'catch up' on lost training. Oh yea I'll be starting to crank out some good mileage, but I'm not going to jump into right away - so the next 10 days will just be a build period and by May I'll be going full bore.

Sally always asks me 'what do you think about on your long ride/runs?' To which she gets the standard male response ' I dunno.' What do I think about? I had some great topics I was going to bring up on my blog, I mean some good, serious, deep stuff - but that was 24 hours ago and can I remember it now? No. I think I just enter a quasi dreamlike state and just think about stuff. I really should carry a voice recorder so I don't forget all this stuff.

C'est tout for now. Cheers!


Cliff said...

When I go for a bike ride with you, all I think about is...'are we done yet? Darren is killing me' :P.

Mike said...

Darren- glad to hear your on the mend!
I'm jealous of all the cool courses you seem to have on your Computrainer. Mine is several years old and I don't have too much in the way of courses...i have seen the downloads available via their website but my CT computrainer isn't hooked up to the net and only has a floppy drive while my other computer only has a cd drive...waaaaaaah!!
ok, waay to much info eh?