Monday, January 28, 2008

A "dousy" update, Alton Half Iron race report..

A Half Ironman..
in January..
in Canada.

Gosh, it seemed like a good idea at the time. I think I came up with the idea last October. Back then, Jan 26th seemed like an eternity away. Well Jan 26th is now two days ago...

The inaugural Alton Half Ironman took place on Saturday. The event is currently capped at 5 participants, of which 3 actually took part. Very cosy, and at least this way everyone who participated is gauranteed at the very least a bronze medal. Now if only there was hardware available... Bah! Who needs a medal? Swag .. now that's something I'll have to work on for next year.

Moving right along. Aaron (who is quite the bad ass blogger - go read is his race report!) and hardcore Cliff were the only ones who actually thought this idea merit. Doh, they called my bluff.

The transition zone opened at 7:30am and naturally Aaron arrived exactly on time and Cliff arrived exactly when he was suppose to. (8am). We do a quick setup of the bikes in from the of TV. (HAHA.. you thought we were going to bike outside? -ok we maybe Canadian, but we aren't THAT stupid). We grab our swim gear and head to the pool. (nice deal on the pool, we get our very own swim lane and it only cost us 18 bucks - score!)

The swim.
10X 200 on 5 minutes. Lots of rest.. well cause we need it. This was my first swim since IMLP .. a mere 6 months ago and Cliff and Aaron aren't in any better swim shape. So this was clearly about ' just git er done'.
~35 min. A bit long, I know. But by the time we changed, drove back to my house and got on our bikes, 35 min elapsed. Oh well. I guess no sub 4:30 HIM for me today.
The bike.
3 hours of Coach Troy. We were doing his "Tough Love" video and I had completely forgot how much he likes us out of the saddle. Felt like a bunny rabbit, up out of the saddle, down in the aerobars .. repeat... repeat. Well after two hours quad frying saddle jumping, we toasted Coach Troy and instead watched the 2007 Ironman World Championships, which was, as usual, highly entertaining AND allowed us to do some 'steady' work.
~10 min. The 3 of us, 'dry out', as in towel off the sweat that 3 hours of indoor riding will do to you, eat and get dressed for the run.
The Run.
Muahahaha.. The evil imp that sits on my left shoulder took over and make a 'challenging' run. Challenging as in hilly. It was SO hilly, that Cliff actually got a nosebleed!! (true story!) Luckily, my beautiful wife, Sally, was driving the 'sag' wagon and came to Cliff's rescue. Naturally, he soldiered on.. tough guy.
Aaron was running well. I'd stop for 10 sec to talk to Sally and get a drink and it would take me 15 min to catch him.

In the end, I ground out the required 21+k and the legs are hardly complaining - some residual soreness, but that's OK, because this week is a scheduled EASY week.

In other news...
(my God, is this guy going to ever shut up??)
Race Sched is now set.
Sporting Life 10k
Mississauga Half Marathon
Muskoka Long Course Tri
Peterborough Half Ironman
Owen Sound Olympic Tri
Guelph Lake Tri
Musokoka 70.3 Ironman
All registered and ready to go. Yiiihaaa

Last weeks mileage
swim 2k (yes! 1st swim of the year!)
bike 8+ hours
run: 57k.

Ok, I'm done. Cya.


AddictedToEndorphins said...

Sounds like fun:oP
You would have been crazy to ride on Saturday!!!
Nice race schedule...Looks like a busy one!

Reddog said...

I still don't know what a "dousy" is !?!


Anonymous said...

Every once in awhile I check out your blog. Crazy Canuck. You should have done your bike for the half in an igloo. With beaver fur on the floor.

Looks like an interesting year ahead for you. Good luck.