Monday, January 21, 2008

Uncomfortable is only a state of mind.

Ya, that was my mantra. Anyone who did some sort of extended outdoor activitity on the weekend knows first hand how uncomfortable it was. The temp was on the chilly side, but in truth, it was the wind. I'm guessing with the wind we were flirting with -20 to -25C windchills. Uncomfortable. My long run was in these conditions and I'm sure most people who saw me were shaking their heads.

Being uncomfortable is just a state of mind.

Oh sure, you can resign yourself to grumbling about how bad you got it and woe you are, or how the world owes you and to being miserable. But that's your choice. If you choose that direction, it so shall be.

Being uncomfortable is just a state of mind.

So that obviously ended up being my mantra during my long run. Crazy enough it worked. I ended up having one of my BEST long runs...
ever. (24.5k in <1hr 53min with an avg HR of 146.) The mind is powerful thing.

The rest of the stats for the week:
Swim: goose egg!
Bike: 7 hrs
Run 66.5k

The plan. Basic structure:
Mon: off/or easy swim
Tue: run 1 hr// hard bike. (LT work)
Wed: swim// easy run
Thu: run 1hr (Zone 2) // bike (strength work)
Fri: swim// easy run
Sat: long bike// easy run
Sun: long run.

Currenlty I'm substituting the swimming with extra biking and running. I did this plan last week and it seems to work well. The one major difference of this plan over last year's plan is the extra speed work. I will NOT be afraid to occasionally go into higher heartrate zones. The last couple of years I was primarily concerned with going long as much as I could handle, which meant ALOT of zone 1 work. The foundation has been laid, the cake is baked, going to put some icing at that bad boy this year. Let's see what happens.

FIVE days until the Alton Half Ironman...
Next weeks update should be a dousy.


1 comment:

Reddog said...

What's a "dousy"?


What happened in the Alton Half-er???

Who won? Huh? Tell me!
