Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Hello '08!

Just like that.. '07 is out the door and big hello goes out to '08! As a bonus, it's an Olympic year, love the Olympics, love the motivation and inspiration it provides.

Lots of catching up, so here the abbreviated version of the last 2 weeks of training.
- injured on Dec 18th. Had a fall work.. (people PLEASE shovel and salt your driveway and walkways!!) Fortuneatly, it wasn't too bad, but just to err on the safe side, I only ran twice for that week.
- mileage total for week of Dec 17-23: run: 23k spin: 4.5 hrs.
- mileage total for week of Dec 24-30: run: 59k spin: 6.25 hrs. The knee is back to 100% and I'm feeling good.
- consistently stretching for 20 minutes a day and doing two sessions of weights and core work every week. Yup, the addiction is back.

Speaking of addictions, I suppose a few of you may have made a New Year's resolution to get fit, lose weight etc.. Here's a little trick that worked for me. Tell yourself you just have to workout for the next 6 weeks. Weeks 1 and 2 are easy, you are all gung-ho and ready to rock. Weeks 3 and 4 are more challenging, the gung-ho-ness is gone and it's much more of a challenge. Weeks 5 and 6 are make or break time, tough it out - it's only 2 weeks. After week 6, things will get alot easier. Why? Because you just made a habit. Go ahead, give it a shot, see what happens, afterall it's only 6 weeks - you can do *anything* for 6 weeks.

The January agenda.
-very similar to my last week of December. Looking to get 12 hours of aerobic activity in each week. Basically half running and half biking. Mondays are still my off day.
-the Alton Half Iron is scheduled for Sat the 26th. Space is limited and is selling it out very fast. I have a feeling the people that have been invited are beginning to have second thoughts about the wisdom of doing a half ironman in January. To them I say: muaahahahaha... :)

I feel the urge to soemthing sorta epic today... I'm thinking the ErgVideo Lake Placid loop... I guess that means it's time to

Cheers gang and Happy New Year!


Aaron said...

Wisdom? Certainly never in question - you have to have something in order to question it.. Bring on the Alton Half!

Cliff said...


Happy new years..

sorry to hear about the bad spill..glad u are ok. Did u did a run today? :) weather was great to go out..(even for a hike).