Sunday, August 06, 2006

Taper time, T-minus 21 days

Exactly 3 weeks from now, it will be 1:36pm (BC time). In theory, I should be just starting out on the run, I'll have wobbly legs and I'm sure I'll be asking myself 'why?' or saying something like: ' ahh crap, I still have to run a $%#@! marathon.' Whatever the case, I just hope I have the mental fortitude to pace correctly and stick to my nutrition plan. If I can just do those two things, the race should look after itself.

Upon looking back, I say to the tri gods: I held up my part of the bargain. I trained better and more importantly I trained smarter. (or so I believe). I've learned much and will undoubtedly learn more, but I am ready. I am excited. I am scared. I can't wait.

Yesterday was the official start of the taper, I went out did a nice 150k ride with Cliff. Saturday morning was absolutely beautiful, perfect riding weather and nothing but miles of deserted country roads to ride. A pretty sweet way to start a taper. The other cool thing was that there was a re-broadcast of the '05 Ironman World Championship in Kona on Saturday afternoon. Watching it gave me the spine tinglies, a shot of inspiration and a tear to two for Blazeman.

Today was long run day. I ran about 6k less than my last long run. Total distance was 22.5k. Pretty uneventful.

I guess I'm getting a little ahead of myself as I forgot to mention Friday's workouts; heres the scoop for Friday:
swim 3.7k 1k warmup, 5(5X100m) on 1:30. First 100 was pull, then descend the next 4. The fast ones were coming in 1:12 to 1:15.
run: 11k. Just a steady run, always thinking of form and cadence.

That closes out week number 32. As usual, I'll give you the hard numbers in tomorrow's weigh in. Hope everyone is having a great weekend! Cheers.