Tuesday, July 11, 2006

More pics, weekly weigh in & karma

A couple more pics from Peterborough..

Yours truly exiting the water.. I have no idea what I'm looking at.

Yes, this is the chicken dance. Actually I was just hamming with the crowd just before the finish line. (I think they were clearly unimpressed.)

Weekly totals:
The goal last week was to rest the legs for Peterborough, but up the swim mileage. Here's the totals:
Run: 36k
Bike: 167k
Swim: 14k
Dryland: 1.5hrs
Weight: 159

This week, the plan is to 'listen to the legs', if they are feeling tired, I'll pick up an extra swim session, but the over goal is get some quality rest so I can do a couple of hard weeks at the end of the month because when August comes - it's taper time babay!

Yesterday was an easy 2k in the pool - technique and recovery. Today I did 40k on the bike, again focusing on technique and recovery. I also squeezed in a quick upper body workout along with some core work.

A quick karma story. Last week I found a wallet, tracked down the owner and returned it to him. No big deal. At Peterborough, I managed to lose my bike helmet. Kinda of a bummer, it was new this year and cost me 150 bucks. Well, someone was kind enough to give it to an official and when I contacted the race director today, he said he had it and would Fed Ex it to me a.s.a.p. Booya! Karma in action. Hehehe, usually this stuff can take a lifetime or two to come back around, the turn around time for this one was less than a week!
You GET what you GIVE. Cheers.

1 comment:

Cliff said...

those are great pics Darren.

The chicken bit is hilarious.