Friday, July 21, 2006

The weather network, inspiration and more

You would think that the Weather Network with all their dopler radars, satellite imagery and electro-ionsphere scanners could get a frickin four hour forcast correct. Isn't it funny, they'll have predictions for the next 7 days, give you broad generalizations on entire seasons yet they can't even nail down a 4 hour forcast. (sorry for the WN bashing, Mark).
Yea, I'm bitter I got caught in the rain yesterday. I busted my butt to get home so I could log a quick 100k on the bike and maybe get a run in. Instead, at the 40k mark, it started to thunder and lightning. So I had to hightail all the way home and try to outrun the oncoming T-showers. Fun stuff.
Ok, so I managed 80k in total and instead of a run, I did a full body weight routine, so all was not lost.

Today, I did 4k in the pool. They only give us an hour for lane swim and in order to get my whole 4k in I can't really dilly dally around. The main set was the same as Tuesdays.. 10X400m @ 5:45. After the swim I was talking to this older gentlemen (by older, I mean he's 80), he wanted to know about flip turns. (!)
(flip turns are those fancy schmancy turns that swimmers do) So, I explained to him how it was basically a half sommer sault near the wall. What struck me most during our conversation was a number of things 1) his joie do vie (hanging out the pool, being active and asking about flip turns at 80 - yea he has a zest for life) 2) he's 80, looks fitter than most 50 year olds 3) an excellent listener. (such a rare commodity these days) We all could learn a lesson or two from Bill.
In addition to the swim, I did a 14k run.

Lastly I just wanted to mention an inspirational story that happened a couple of days ago. Jenna Lambert completed a 32k swim across lake Ontario. Jenna is 15. Jenna also has cerebral palsy. Talk about heart. You can read the CBC story here.

1 comment:

Cliff said...

That's heart, Darren.

Great link.