Friday, April 07, 2006

Rem cycle

Ever have one of those nights? I love and need my zzzz's, especially when training. So I hunkered down for a solid 8.5 hours of sleep last night - yes, I go to bed at 9. Sally woke me at 5:30 and I swear I was in the middle of a rem sleep cycle. Oh joy, waking up tired and sleepy. I wanted to call in sick for work, oh sure could you imagine that? "Hi, ya I won't be coming in today because I'm in the middle of rem sleep cycle." Somehow, I doubt they'd be understanding.

I did have a small after work run scheduled, but I blew that off - this is a moderate mileage week, so I can do that without feeling guilty. (ok, I still do) Instead, I went for nap. Usually a 20-30 minute nap sets me up real fine. Not today. I'm still sleepy. See? That's what you get when you wake up in the middle of a rem cycle.

Here is the workout update. Yesterday, run 7.5k, spin for an hour and 30 minutes of weights. Tonight I have a pool workout planned, but I'm soooo very tempted to pop a bowl of popcorn and watch a movie instead. I'll let you know what happens. :) As for this weekend, I'll be doing a 3 hours spin session to coach Troy's Tough Love volume 13. This did a good job frying my legs last weekend, so in a sick way I'm kinda looking forward to it. I'll follow that spin session with a short run. On Sunday, I'll be running ~27k.
Have a great weekend!

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