Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The trickle down effect

I knew work was going to be rough today, so I hit the ground running and got in a few minutes early to get a jump start on the day. I still ended up working later than usual, in turn, my run was later then usual. As a result, I almost blew off my 2nd workout - note I said almost. :) Here is what I did today:

Run: total 12k. Did 7 hill repeats. Fastest 89sec, slowest 94 sec.
Bike: spin for 1:15. Planned on riding outside but time was an issue. So hopped on the trainer and actually got a really good, but short session in.
Weights: 30 minutes.

Since I was running late most of the day, my workouts ran later than usual, as a result I'm a little keyed up and I'm suppose to be in bed in 30 minutes. Hopefully I'll get tired real soon. :)

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