Monday, June 05, 2006

Monday weigh in

After a tough weekend, I really enjoy my Monday off day. Monday is the day to catch up on stuff around the house, chill out, maybe grab a nap or just hang out. It's totally unstructured, IF I do a workout, it's mega easy - there is no pressure. If I want to sit on the couch, watch a movie and eat pop-corn - then so be it. It's my recharge day. I like Mondays.

Here are the totals for the week:
Run: 73k
Bike: 259k
Spin: 1 hr
Swim 5k
Dryland 1.5hr
Weight: 161
I'm logging pretty consistent mileage and that's the key. Consistency. I'm eating well and sleeping well, which goes a long way in helping recovery. The weight just might come down another pound soon - a bonus indeed. One less pound to cart around is always a bonus. Hey, there are bike-wienies out there who will pay large dollars just to shave a few grams of weight from their bike. I'd rather shave a few grams of body weight and save the coin. :)

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