Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Tuesday weigh in

Ok ok ok, I know, Monday is suppose to be weigh in, I got sidetracked steam cleaning @#$!! carpets! I wonder if that constitutes a workout? It should, because it's such a pain in the ass.
Last week was week number 19, which culminated in an actual race. Finally, after 19 weeks of training I got to race. Now that it has been 48 hours after the race, I've been reflecting on my status for the season. The verdict is I'm happy where I'm at. My work on running is starting to pay off and I'm only 6.5 minutes off my long term goal of breaking 1:20 for the half. Although, it may take me an additional 2 years to knock off that 6.5 minutes. It certainly does get exponetially harder, the faster you want to go.

Here's is week 19's mileage report:
Run: 40k
Bike: 100k
Spin: 2 hrs
Swim 7.7k
Dryland: 2 hrs
Weight: ~162
I'm happy with the week, mostly because I had 2 fairly easy days and still managed reasonable mileage AND got a race in.

My lack of time on the bike is starting to creep into the forefront of my mind. It's not imperative I log mega miles yet, but in a few short weeks, I'll be looking for a solid 300k ++ on weekly basis. I have another 'soft' goal of logging a 500k week on the bike in June and the end of July.

The goals for this week are very flexible, I have to make sure the legs are fully recovered from racing before I crank it up too crazy. Yesterday, was my designated off day, just did some light stretching and that's it. Today, the weather is crap, so I'm going on the spinner for an easy 1 hour followed by upper body weights and core. May get a swim in too.. not sure on that one. That's all for now... later!

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