Thursday, May 18, 2006

The virtue of selfishness?

Is that an oxymoron? I don't think so. I was thinking about this earlier today. If you have not effectively looked after yourself and met your own needs (mental, phsyical, spiritual etc..) , how can you help others? I don't necessarily think selfishness is bad thing, obviously, as with anything, if taken too far, it's a terrible thing. But if it takes a little bit of selfishness to further explore you, then I'm all for it. Regardless what others think. As with all things, a balance is needed. Give a little bit, take a little bit.
So take some time for yourself, you never know where it might lead. After you have done that for you, turn it around and do something for someone else, maybe your significant other, a friend or even a total stranger.
Pay it Forward
(for those that don't know, it's a movie - a definate worthwhile rental)

All this talk about selfishness makes me want to go spend some quality time with my wife. :) Before I go, here is what I did today:
-spin: 2 hrs
-weights/core: 30min
-planned next month of training.

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