Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Sweaty mileage report

I know, I know, the mileage report is usually Monday, so without further adieu here are the stats for last week:
Run: 52.5k
Bike: 175k
Spin: 4.0 hrs
Swim: 7.8k
Dryland: 1hr
Weight 161
Everything is pretty much hunky dory, I'm just chugging along and logging some miles. This week I'll be able resume my running mileage and get a good 5 or 6 runs in. Everything else should pretty much stay the same. Maybe some extra bike kms, but nothing too crazy.
Monday was a designated off day, just did 30 minutes of stretching and some upper body weights and nice easy day.

Today, was another matter. Smog. I work outside. I play outside. On these bad air days I can actually feel it in my chest and have a very slight cough. Yum yum, love that particulate air matter circulating in my lungs/system. Perhaps I should take up smoking to get some filtered air.
It's a tough question. Does training in this soup have any benefit? On one hand, I must get acclimatized to heat and you if you don't train when it's crappy out, then you can't race when it's crappy out. On the other hand, breathing on bad smog days is like wrapping your lips around an exhaust pipe. The net benefit is likely negative.

So what did I end up doing today? I didn't want to ride indoors so I said 'screw it' and did a 3+hr brick. A little extreme, but it was in the plan and I didn't want a bad air day mess with my plan. So I biked ~75k and ran 7.5k.
For dinner, I had an extra helping of antioxidants and 9 hrs of sleep tonight should put everything right for tomorrow. Cheers.


Cliff said...


I am surprise u get smog up there as well. My city has the worst smog in GTA.

Anonymous said...

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.