Sunday, January 29, 2006

Weekend Synopsis

Sally and I took Joe-the-wonder-dog for a walk in the 'back 40' on Saturday morning. We saw a couple of deer, which was nice because they seem to be scarce lately. Afterwards, I got my 14k run in, which was pretty sweet.
Today, the weather was craptacular. We had massive amounts of rain and the temperature sat at +2. I'm so grateful for those 2 degrees, if it wasn't for them, it would have easily been a 30+cm dump of snow. I did my 1.5hr spin session, while watching the movie Glory - a reasonable flick, I'd give it a 6/10.

My first 4 week 'cycle' comes to a close and all went according to plan. Each cycle consists of 3 weeks of building, followed by 1 week of 'resting'. The basic outline for the next cycle is to maintain weekly spinning hours, while increasing my run frequency and mileage. Swimming will still only be once a week. I still have the luxury have taking 1 day a week completely 'off '. Cheers. Darren

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