Monday, March 06, 2006

Monday weigh in

Sorry I missed the weekend update, but my nap after the long run on Sunday took precedence. Post long run naps rule. :) The weekend went well, on Saturday I did 2:45 on the trainer and on Sunday I had a great 24k long run.
It may be early to say, but I think I may have had a bit of breakthrough on my run. The run just flowed. It was very relaxed and I was able to maintain a good cadence for the duration. I remember thinking: "this is what good running feels like." I now have to take it to the next level - make it an unconcious effort. Become one with the run. :)
Here is the stats for the week:
Run: 55.5 km
Spin: 5 hrs 15 min
Swim: 4000 meters
Dryland: 2 hrs
Weight : 164
All planned goals for the week were met. I'm getting good sleep and eating like a fiend. The plan for the this week is run 5 times with a total mileage of 61k, spin 6 hrs and maintain the swim and dryland portions.
That's about it for now, I'm off to do a solid 45 minutes of stretching and some core work. Cheers.


Cliff said...


are those 6 hrs non stop? :)..TRhat is kinda nuts :D. I did 3:45 last Sat.and this Sat i will be into 4 hr.

This weekend is also the end of my Base 2 cycle and next Base cycle I will be ending iwth a 5 hr bike ride.

I sure the weather gets warmer..i am running out of movies ot watch.

Darren said...

Hi Cliff,
That's 6 hrs for the WEEK. :) Typically 3 spin sessions. This week will be 2 session at 1.5 hrs each and a 3hr on Sat.

I'm impressed you are up to 4hrs on the trainer! That's a looong time to be spinning.

I saw a biker while I was out running today. Still a little chilly for me, but I gave him the thumb ups anyway. :)